Birthmark and Mole Removal

Anti-Aging Injectables ArizonaThe board-certified dermatologists and skin specialists at Pima Dermatology of Tucson know that birthmarks can adversely impact your appearance and life. Our team offers a wide variety of state-of-the-art birthmark and mole removal treatments that can be customized to eliminate or reduce these marks and help boost your self-confidence.

If you have a mole or birthmark that is affecting your appearance, or you have one that has grown over time, then call Pima Dermatology and schedule a consultation for an expert evaluation and treatment.

Types of Moles and Birthmarks

Brown Birthmarks
Also Known As: Birthmark, Congenital Nevus, Brown Mole, Brown Birthmarks
Flat or elevated brown spots on the skin.

Also Known As: Birthmark, Strawberry Birthmarks, Red/vascular Birthmark, Hemangioma
Hemangiomas are present in up to 10% of newborns. They may become apparent in the first days and weeks of life.

Also Known As: Moles, Nevi, Brown Birthmarks
Sun exposure may darken or increase the number of moles.

Port Wine Stain Birthmark
Also Known As: Birthmark, Port Wine Stain, Vascular Malformation
Port wine stains commonly appear as red or burgundy patches on the skin which slowly darken and thicken in the first several decades of life.

Red Vascular Birthmark
Also Known As: Port Wine Stain, Strawberry Birthmarks, Hemangioma
The two primary types of red birthmarks treated are the hemangioma and the port wine stain.

Red Birthmark Removal
The two primary types of red birthmarks treated are the hemangioma and the port wine stain.

Treatments to Remove Moles and Birthmarks

While there is usually no reason for removing many birthmarks or moles, Pima Dermatology provides several excellent removal procedures to offer a cosmetic improvement or to reduce the risk of skin cancer.


In many cases, unless a patient is self-conscious about birthmarks or moles, an annual skin check may be all that is recommended in order to monitor the lesions for signs of cancer.

Beta Blockers (oral propranolol and topical timolol)

The use of oral and topical beta blockers, a class of blood pressure medications also used to manage vascular abnormalities in the skin, has revolutionized the management of infantile hemangiomas. They have now become first-line therapy for infantile hemangiomas.

PDL (Pulsed Dye Laser)

For both birthmarks and moles, PDL treatments are effective for changing or reducing growth and size. In fact, it is often used in conjunction with steroids, which has the added benefit of reducing steroid use. This type of treatment is typically implemented in increments of 2-6 weeks and is safe for infants, kids, and adults. These sessions last 15-30 minutes and offer minimal side effects – stinging, itching, and purpling of the treated spot for about 10-14 days before clearing in 2-3 months.

Cutera® Excel V

This laser is particularly effective for treating vascular birthmarks like port wine stains. In addition to erasing or reducing the mark, it also improves skin tone and firmness.

Surgical Excision

In some cases, surgically removing an unsightly or precancerous birthmark or mole may be recommended to not only provide aesthetic improvements but also to reduce the risk of cancer. In some cases, surgical removal of a mark or mole may leave a scar, which may be reduced using the latest in cosmetic skin treatments available at Pima Dermatology, such as laser therapy, microdermabrasion, and

Here are the ABCDEs of recognizing the warning signs of a skin cancer:

  • Asymmetry: One half the moles is dissimilar to the other half
  • Border: The edges of the mole are irregular (e.g., ragged or blurred)
  • Color: Throughout the mole, the color is inconsistent
  • Diameter: Under 6mm (about the size of a pencil eraser) is usually not a cause for alarm, but if it grows bigger, it could be a melanoma
  • Evolving: Changes in size, shape, color, or texture, or new symptoms such as bleeding or itching, may indicate skin cancer and a skin check is highly recommended.

If you have a mole that shows signs of the ABCDEs above, you should contact Pima Dermatology as soon as possible. Early diagnosis and removal of a suspicious mole are crucial for preventing potential cancer from progressing or spreading. It is important to note that skin cancer is highly treatable when diagnosed as early as possible. Do not hesitate to schedule an annual skin check at Pima Dermatology in Tucson.  

What Are Moles and Birthmarks?

A birthmark or mole that is present at birth (congenital mole) is a small discolored or raised spot on the skin; more specifically, it is a collection of poorly formed blood vessels and skin cells. There are several types of birthmarks:

  • Hemangioma – overgrown or poorly formed blood vessel tissue
  • Port wine stain (PWS) – papules that are thick and reddish-purple or burgundy colored and can sometimes bleed
  • Moles – brown or flesh-colored round spots (also known as nevus of ota) on the skin that usually start flat and resemble a freckle before growing larger and even developing hairs

The causes of vascular birthmarks like port wine stains are not known but moles can be caused by either genetics or chronic sun exposure, the latter of which may darken them or increase their number.

Where Do Moles and Birthmarks Usually Form?

Although moles and birthmarks can form anywhere on the body, they are most common on the face and neck. You might also find them on the torso, the arms, or the legs.

Normally, these skin abnormalities don’t adversely affect your health, but you might find that they have a negative effect on your self-esteem if the marks are located in a visible area.

Find Out More about Birthmark and Mole Removal – Contact Pima Dermatology

Don’t let a birthmark or mole impact your self-esteem. Pima Dermatology offers various safe, effective, and long-lasting solutions that can be customized for your budget and aesthetic goals. Schedule a consultation by contacting us online or calling our practice in Tucson.

Next, learn about Botox.

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