Telederm Check In


1. Telederm visits may be done with live video (preferred) or over the phone, depending on whether or not you have a computer with video visit capabilities.
2. During your scheduled Telederm window, our team will reach out to you by phone first for your Tele-Check in. We will review demographics, verify insurance, collect your copay, and send you the link.
3. We will let you know your provider is ready.
4. For live video visits, we will provide you with a link. Follow Check In instructions below.
5. This can be done on a smart phone, tablet, laptop, or PC as long as you have a camera and a microphone.
6. If so, you will need to allow access to your camera and microphone.

Call Tips

• Have a good internet connection.
Restart your device before the visit.
• Use the button in the waiting room.
• Need help? Send us a message


Need additional help? Click here.

How to Check in for Your Visit


By Pima Dermatology | © 2025 All Rights Reserved. Design & Development by Goldman Marketing Group | Sitemap | The information available on this web site is provided for informational purposes only. This information is not intended to replace a medical consultation where a physician's judgment may advise you about specific disorders, conditions and or treatment options. We hope the information will be useful for you to become more educated about your health care decisions.